Jesus prayer song in hindi
Jesus prayer song in hindi

jesus prayer song in hindi

I have received the Sacrament of Baptism and with it the Gift of the Holy Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank you for making me part of Your Kingdom, knowing I have found the “pearl of great price”.

jesus prayer song in hindi

I count each day In Your divine grace to assist me to stay close to You. Even so, in my life, to have the discernment to judge what is for my good and what needs to be left behind, so I remain faithfully steadfast in Your Kingdom.

jesus prayer song in hindi

Like the disciples in the Gospel who hear Jesus’ parable of the net thrown into the sea and collecting many things, to discern what needs to be thrown away and what is of value. Oh, generous Father, give me this day the gift of discernment. Give me the grace today to thank You for these times of special grace to grow ever closer to You, to keep reminding me of Your presence in my life when I may grow weak. Amen. And other feasts to remember your holy Saints, those who have gone before us in following You with total commitment, to encourage us along our way to holiness. Thank You Heavenly Father for giving Your people five festivals in today’s first reading to remind your people that you care and protect. You do the same for us as the faithful following Jesus during the Liturgical year, Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, as well as Ordinary Time. “Lord, it is good that I am here with you today” Amen. As I see the host and Precious Blood at Mass today may I too proclaim, as Peter does. Jesus invites me, as well, to lift my eyes and heart to heaven and ask the Holy Spirit to give me the eyes to see him.

jesus prayer song in hindi

Jesus also wants to give me a glimpse of His glory. The disciples are given a special blessing, a special teaching and a mission, the revelation that Jesus is the Son of God with a glimpse of His glory. Oh, Lord our God, You reveal Your Son to his disciples by showing us who He really is, God made man in the transfiguration.

Jesus prayer song in hindi